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Dinosaur Counting Book Project

Began summer 2018,

A Dinosaur Counting Book Project,

color pencil and digital painting.

Here's a collection of illustrations I developed as a basis for a children's book which would help teach kids to count and identify dinosaur types.


The vibrant heat tones of the dinosaurs unified each illustration and helped to set the subject into its composition. I also worked to differentiate each image with its own unique color palette to pull some interest for wandering attention spans. 


These dinosaurs do hold a special place in my heart. One of my daughter's first words was "dinosaur" and she's been so eager to learn all the dinosaur names since that fateful word. I've always wondered the allure of these big prehistoric beasts but I started to feel closer to them somehow while creating this series. 


As it stands, these images are still an ongoing stream of thought on a project I would love to pursue. I think kids need engaging subject matter to learn a rather unstimulating topic (counting)-- not to say it's unstimulating for everyone! But for those minds that prefer words or pictures or playing pretend in a prehistoric era, the Dinosaur Counting Book might just be the ticket for an easier counting journey!

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